






- Last updated January 1, 2003
Upcoming Interface Flying

The No Evil sector has four spaceports. Try to guess their names :) This map shows every sector in Colonial space
Flying around in the New Sol sector Planets with backgrounds
Here's the Rover Pirates' empire And the Returner Pirates'
The Guardians, minus the Barrier region. You're not missing much. I always thought it was neat to sometimes see those screenshots where they include the author's desktop, so here's one of mine. And that barrier region I mentioned.

The title screen Title screen of a game in progress
Options You can fully customize your controls!
Home, sweet home Half of the game is right here
A little customization This is the other half of the game
Upgrading is helpful It's a big universe out there...

Earth from space A nearby ship jumps out
I don't like these odds The particle system for explosions
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